I got this email from our Mayor, Arnold Musgrove, saying he thought it would be good to have a community Blog. I got the email about three weeks ago and he caught me today when I was in town for a recording session. He was like, “What’s up with that?” And I go, “Huh?”, because I was into the recording session. So, anyway, here is the new community blog and here’s Mayor Musgrove’s email.
“Hal, I’ve been talking to various members of the community and the Council and we’ve been thinking that having a Mudgap website is nice (Mudgapnm.com), but it’s not enough. We’re becoming a place with a decidedly twenty-first century soul, with our growing community of artists and writers as well as the eclectic mix of retirees and of course the old standby of the Army’s Camp Rockman and the tourists that flood through because of our wild west and mining heritage. We need something to add cohesion to the community spirit. The Historical Society does a lot in this regard but people have been asking me about a municipal blog. This would be a place where all of us could post our thoughts and activities and keep each other informed, not just about business matters or municipal matters but anything and everything that makes up the heart of this little town.
“There is the question of what to call the blog and I suggest we have a contest. That could be the first organizing activity to kick off the blog and let everyone in town have their say. Does this make sense, Hal? We would really like your expertise and attention to this as soon as possible.”
So that’s it. If you’re a Mudgap resident send in your suggested blog titles. If you’re not a resident you can be an honorary resident anyway. Just tell us what’s on your mind. Or send us some pictures. Or post your favorite recipe for horny toad stew.