Saturday, October 20, 2012

      Uh oh dudes.  Sorry about that.  Just found out no one got posted since updates to the server last spring.  Working on it.  Hot discussion on the election.  Got most of it recovered.  Be getting it up to date soon.  Patience!!  We'll get the wheels back on :(-)


  1. This village blog is a disgrace. A problem that has been remarked and well known for months should have been resolved long before this. We have had a particularly dynamic debate in Mudgap, as in all of New Mexico, on the upcoming presidential election and this blog should have played an important part. I certainly hope this is corrected before the election and before I have to face my peers at the New Mexico Small Mayors Conference in Truth or Consequences this November.

    Sincerely, Mayor Arnold Musgrove

  2. I'd like to add that the Mayor's office has no control over this blog or the Mudgap, New Mexico web site for that matter. But that's a debate for another time.

  3. Wow. MR MAYOR gots his eyerish on. NOT MY FAULT!! Must be Goerg Bushes fault. RIGHT MR MAYOR???

  4. Lownde you ideot! What happened to my picture?

  5. Mayor Musgrove isn't it the Small Town Mayor's Conference not the Small Mayor's Conference? Are you sure it's in Truth or Consequences?
